Congratulations Connectivity Group!

by - December 08, 2010

The land of once-upon-a-time has surrounded me this extraordinary storytelling year!

Rediscovering many old childhood favorites, I have inhaled fairy tales and folk tales by the bookload as I climbed a steep story-world learning curve.  So it seemed perfectly natural to find that the theme of this year’s Frederick’s 72 Hour Film Fest was fairy tales and fables reinvented.

On September 30th at a costumed launch party, forty three teams of film makers were randomly given the names of a well known fairy story or fable together with a “poisoned apple challenge” such as having to include an overturned chair or a ticking clock in their movie or having 30 seconds shaved off an already tight production time.  From that moment the teams had 72 hours to make a five minute film – 6 minutes for professional entries -  and all the creations were shown at Frederick’s Weinburg theater the following weekend.

I am delighted to tell you that the company that created my website, recorded my CD and designed my storytelling publicity material – Connectivity Group – won the best of show for the second year running – together with a slew of other awards.

Connectivity Group LLC (whose core team is brothers John and Alan Saunders and their father Bruce Saunders) were given the challenge of creating a film around the theme of Tom Thumb – be careful what you wish for – and their poisoned apple challenge was losing time.  Their entry, Wish, complete with an original music score, oozes with the creativity and professionalism that sets the company apart, and it also manages to have the dark, sinister edge of original fables.  See it here.

Congratulations to the Saunders and Connectivity Group! 

Although you were up against some excellent film makers and other spectacular entries your victory was very well deserved!

As we would say in England – home of so many fairy stories and fables…

Wish was wicked!

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